Reducing Turnover: Becoming a Retention Agent

05/23/2018 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM CT


Worried about meeting your retention goals? Frustrated by participants that can’t seem to stay on a job? Running out of ways to keep your participants engaged? Then this training is for you! Together we will talk about how you can infuse retention strategies throughout your programming by examining the 4 P’s of your organization: people, priorities, processes and place. We will focus on strategies to help you improve your job seekers’ retention both in your program and on-the-job. Through group interaction and hands-on activities, you will walk away with tangible tools to help you implement a comprehensive retention plan at your agency.

Topics covered include:

  • Understanding the employment continuum and how to infuse retention at each stage
  • Understanding the “life cycle” of the job seeker in your agency and how to address gaps in your process
  • Identifying barriers and analyzing possible solutions to enhance program retention
  • Creating a foundation for retention in your organization by developing an action plan

This course is for all workforce development staff including supervisors, job developers, and case managers.

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2018
9:00am-4:00pm CST

$95 members/ $135 non-members
Breakfast and lunch are included.
*To access the member price, you must log in to your CJC account when registering.

Kaitlyn McGovern, Chicago Jobs Council

Chicago Jobs Council Offices
29 E. Madison, Suite 1700
Chicago, IL 60602